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Saturday, December 24, 2011
My family
By Samuel Santos
My family is an important and an interesting one. Well, my parents met in San Francisco de Macorís at the age of 18 roughly in a house of one of their friends. They got married when they were attending high school and they lived with their parents for a while because they could not afford to pay the rent. They were not working and they were too young by that time. After high school, my father went to Santo Domingo in order to study at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo for becoming a dentist, and two years later, they got divorced. Beyond that, we have a fairly close relationship in which I can count on them and they can count on me.
Getting along, in my family, is an emotion of strong and personal attachment. This a great quality in my family because it means to live in a environment of peace, respect, in which everybody can feel in confidence, safety, and love. With those virtues that surround us, everything will be in balance. These values are important because they keep the family together at all times, even though when moments of hardships come up. The key of this is keeping in touch as many times as possible by means of internet, cell phones, or giving special presents now that my parents live away from me. My father lives in Brazil and my mother lives in Santiago, Dominican Republic, so I got used to talk more often with my mother because she is closer than my father geographically speaking. I love both of them. It is worthwhile showing affection among us because we reflect what we are in society, so the more we treat others in a friendly way the more friendly other teat us. Love is reciprocal. We, as a family, try to show affection among us despite the distance, and I know they always keep me in their hearts and so do I. The most important thing is that I let them know how much I care about them, no matter what might happen. Every time they need me, I will be there if God willing. The only thing I have to do at the moment is give them a call in order to let them feel me close. I live with my grandmother and long time ago, she told me that the best way of getting along in family is helping each other and to sow an atmosphere of peace and calmness. These things make burdens less heavy. Also it is quite important for each member of a family to get along because this will bring a peaceful environment. Consequently, that will grab joy and willingness to support mutually.
Hard work is an important virtue in my family. One of the reasons why that is true is that nearly all of them are excellent at their work fields. My family considers that they are good in their jobs because this is a result of having a family channeled toward good deeds, maintaining a great respect for each member of the family and for other people. My family loves studying. They think that having a degree is a great tool in life and it has its benefits such as good job, a better lifestyle, and so on. One of the aspects that l like the most in my family is when they pursue a dream nothing stops them, just like a shark hunting its prey. It is a matter of devotion and effort. My parents are good examples to follow for me. Hard work is important because everybody in a society can help our country at its different kinds of labor in order to build a better country. A society that does not care about working hard will not be able to get economical prosperity. Also, hard work gives every person, a sense of duty, honesty, and the cultivation of good values.
Persistence is a quality that my family has shown since I was a kid. I describe them as a bunch of persistent people in life. Every goal that they have been proposed during life has been accomplished by them. I think this is a remarkable virtue because all people should be persistent in everything that they want to achieve, always taking into consideration that nobody has control over life. Instead, God is in control of everything and what we need to do is take each chance that he gives us in this life to use it in our favor. Persistence is a tool that parents should acquire with their children. Unfortunately, this virtue has been lost due to the accelerated life families live in, but this is not an excuse. There is always time for sharing during the week as my parents did long time ago. Persistence is an important aspect that we all should cultivate above all in our future children, now that they will be in charge of the nation someday.
To conclude, having a united family is quite important for every human being in a given society because families are the core of every society. That is where a person learns values, behavior, customs, persistence, and so on. Also people learn how to persist in life in pursue of the dreams that are deeply attached in their hearts. Depending on that, we will be a productive or an unproductive individual in their jobs and/or everyday lives. It is in the process of sharing with our families that we learn how to treat other people, behave at work, university, and in whatever place we could be living. I consider a healthy development in our lives to rely on what our parents and/or tutors have taught such good virtues. They will help us live together in harmony and respect, making a balance and always cooperating with each other.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
My Family
My family
By Maria G. Serrano
I have heard about a family that is very united, hard working and lovely. They are ten in total; nine of them live in United States. They share their belongings and nobody can say something is hers or his because all they have belongs to everyone. They are working hard to help the one who is in this country to be with them, too. They love each other so much and enjoy being together.
Also my parents have worked hard in different ways. During the years they have had different kind of jobs, good and bad. My mother had spent twenty years working at fabric factories and cleaning houses. At present, she just takes care of an old sick woman. My father has had worked in seven different kinds of jobs. He used to be a soldier from the air force in Santo Domingo and a police officer. He used to work at some factories like rice factories, bottles factories, and environment factories. At present, he is sick at home. He suffers from diabetes, but he is waiting to get better to work with a cousin on a project. As my parents were always working, I remember them most of the time. They were busy to earn money for our necessities. I do not even remember if they bought something for themselves. I remember that sometimes, we even could not see them because of their jobs. They used to get up very early in the morning and arrive home very late at night. As a result of this situation, they started to feel sick and very exhausted. Their rhythm of working hard turned to be different and slower. I could see through their eyes how difficult getting up early was being. The incredible thing for me is that they never complained. They just did what they were supposed to do even though it was very hard for them. Sometimes, I am in my bedroom doing homework and my mother comes to lay on my bed. She always starts saying “Wow, I remember the person I used to be, full of strength and youth. Now look at me. I am old, with blood pressure problems, and with no strength.” Then she says “try to be better than me because I wasted so much time at fabric factories to be able to start a career at the university and I could not do it”. Knowing this, I have to finish the university and let them know that all they did was worthy. I know that they have done everything for me, everything to see me finishing my studies. Even though they know that they are not as young and strong as before, but they are sure that their goal of giving us a better life was reached.
At the same time in my family, unity means a lot. When someone has a problem it is everyone`s problem. If someone is sick, everyone is aware about it. Every time something comes up, we get together trying to find a way to solve the problem or the situation. My parent`s relationship has been based in unity since the beginning. I remember when I was a child. If I wanted to go to a place I had to ask both for permition because they were like one, or if I needed something I had to tell both about it. Spending money was another thing. I know about couples that work a lot but they do not have unity because what they earn is not shared between them. When my parents earned their money, they shared it and let us know all the time that they were one. As a family, we used to go out for dinner, play some games at home, go fishing, and go to rivers. At this time, it is difficult doing it because of my father`s health. During my life, I have seen how united my family is. I know people that they behave like enemies, being brothers and sisters or husbands and wives. That is why when someone is in love with me the first thing my parents look for is about his education and about his relationship with his parents or his parents` relationship. A family that has a good relationship is a very united family. Unity in a family is very important. If a family is united, everything is possible. Everything can be reached.
My family expresses love through different ways: caring, paying attention to the needs that each one has, and giving good advice in some situations. Expressing love is not only by sharing feelings; we do it with presents too. If someone goes shopping, he or she tries to get at least something to each one. Love is what we feel the most. It is the most important thing in my family. I have seen how my family has developed love during the years. I have noticed that when we are angry at someone for different reasons, it is just for a few minutes. It is not in serious at all. I remember that in my childhood, my brothers and I used to behave. My parents did not have to that threaten us. They just had to look at us directly and it was enough for us to understand what it meant. Right away, we were quiet. I used to cry for things that were not important at all. My family showed me that everything was ok in a lovely way, that I did not have to be worry about it. In my childhood, as my parents were always working, I used to miss them a lot. My brothers and I just could enjoy them more on Saturdays and Sundays. I did not understand why we could not be together the other days. As I was growing up, I started to see and understand everything. I could see that they were doing all those things because they love us. Having lovely parents is a blessing. I think I can do anything. Although they were not with us for a long time, they always showed great love for us. Today, my brothers and I are what we are thanks to my parents. I am glad that in my family, we enjoy that wonderful love. Without this love we would not be what we are.
In conclusion, I have seen how difficult life has been for my family. During the years, they have been working a lot to support us. They have been united to satisfy our necessities. Even though we tended not to see them, sometimes, love was there with us. All the time, they showed us that they cared about us in all the ways. During the years, I have learned that I have to thank God every day for having such a great family. Because of my parents, I am the person that I am today. I have noticed that some daughters and sons from my neighborhood do not study or care about having a good job or having a good education. My parents were always telling me that I had to study, get a good job, and be a professional. I have learned from them to be a person who does not give up when she wants to reach a goal. Without my family I would not be what I am.
San Francisco de Macorís 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
GREAT JOB, FEM-327, SEC. 02!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
my family
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Essay on Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dumbar
The poem Sympathy written by Paul Laurence dumbar is about freedom versus oppression. The right to life, especially liberty, and the pursuit of happiness lead people to move everywhere in pursuit of freedom. Humankind cannot bear very much reality, seeing oppressors putting borders that trap dreams and ideals of a better and deserved life. People are sick and tired of disappearing into obscurity because of others who only care about themselves.
Nowadays, society faces different types of oppressions. Unfortunately, since people are born, they have to confront many types of borders in their lives, being poverty the first one. Societies are prevented from Economical situations that do not allow them, as human beings, of enjoying of some rights that they deserve. There are places that poor people are denied to enter because of their economical status. Another sturdy oppression is government. Some governments only want to have their pockets full of fortune; no matter if others have to die, they just care about theirs. A rap singer says in his song. “Tell me why are we, so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me”. But these are not the only ones. There is another bad oppression that has societies restless. Religious groups, they say and assure that if people do not belong to their sects, human beings cannot save their lives. Those groups do not want to accept people are free and can choose what church to visit.
Poetry and poet, swords and shields for those who expect a new and favorable dawn. Since poetry is around us, it has been a hope that eases people´s pain. Through its words, poetry points people out the details societies ignore about realities of life. Those words can express or describe in eight lines the difficulties that are affecting a village or can denounce what corrupts do everyday. Poets bring to light hundreds of ideas that societies do not even imagine can occur around them. Poets have the courage to face oppression indirectly. They use their own words to say they are against dictators of any kind. Poets confront governments because they penetrate deep into people basic necessities. Poets know the way societies feel. This is shown in the poem when Paul Laurence Dumbar says that “he knows what the caged bird feels”.
Society is sick of putting up with oppressions. People cannot stand it any more. That’s why people have fought throughout history to fade away dictators and oppressions whatever cost. People do not strive in vain to be free, they do it to express some governments and tyrants that societies struggle to get what they deserve. Mahatma Gandy said, governments can last long, but will collapse someday. It hard to admit, but people know that despots punish societies without any kind of consideration. But having people like Martin Luther King, human beings can overcome dictators and oppressors. Citizens are sick of robberies, corruption, inequality, racism, indolence, but above all, are sick of borders and crimes. People are able to make their best effort, to raise when is necessary, even to spill their blood just to get freedom. This is shown in the poem when Paul Laurence Dumbar says. “Till its blood is red on the cruel bars”.
In short, this poem shows from start to finish a huge dose of oppression, loneliness and cruelty. But the most important one is a strongly desire of freedom. Something hard to admit is that oppression is highly infectious among people, and the worst of all is that, although citizens change governments, the result is the same anyway. Paul writes about it to encourage or to induce people do something to achieve freedom. I agree with him because when sit down to watch TV, or listen to the news, I see people dying because of others who shatter people´s aspirations and dreams.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I hope you are enjoying this mild change of weather.
I forgot to tell you that for next weekend (Friday, Nov. 25th. and Saturday, Nov. 26th.), we would be discussing MODIFIERS AND THE PHRASE in our grammar class.
Spread the news, please.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The poem “sympathy”, written by Paul Laurence Dunbar is about freedom and oppression.
Oppression is evident in the present society in general the poor people has the concept that they do not have the capacity and resources to solve the problems and they wait for the help of the government that never solve that problems so this kind of oppression blockade their will to face oppression and when the people understand this oppression they want to be free and fight against the oppression for their dignity and proclaim the true without fear to be punished for peace and justice.
Political oppression by the government in many countries has occurred when a dictatorship rules and deprives the people from their human rights and liberties, one example of this was when in Dominican Republic many groups fought against Trujillo’s dictatorship and they were killed by this tyrant, this oppression is shown in the poem when the poet says “when his wing is bruised and his bosom sore”.
Religious oppression happens when a particular religions group is bound with the government and deprive the others religious groups from the right to profess the religion freely that has happened in many countries through the history for example in Europe the catholic church persecuted and killed people form other religious groups in the middle age. In recent time the fight between Indus and Islamics in Indian and Pakistan frontier and nowadays the conflict between Jews and Islamics in the middle orient, religious oppression is shown in the poem when the poet says. “A plea that upward to heaven”.
Economical oppression is evident in the present society some people have the majority of the riches and some do not have the necessary to live and only less than the 5 percent of the population of the world have more that the 75 percent of the riches, more than the half of the population in the word are suffering scarcity of food and almost all these people live in under developed countries that is one of the main cause that in many countries around the word they have serious problems in the nourishment of the people and in Latin America these countries have a lot of land to work to feed the poor people in every country, economical oppression is shown in the poem when the poet says “when he fain would be on the bough a swing and a pain still throbs in the old, old scars”.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Essay on the poem “sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Essay on the poem “sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar.
By Sonia Diaz.
The poem “sympathy” written by Paul Laurence Dunbar is about freedom vs. oppression. Oppression is one of the problems that affect people around the world. Nowadays, people are oppressed for many different reasons. People are oppressed for their jobs, families, school religion etc. but some of them look for the opportunity to get freedom.
There are different types of oppression. The societies that we are living now demand that people do many things to get their aspirations. Almost everybody make efforts to achieve goals even when they have to work for someone else. Another type of oppression can be political oppression. They use their power to oppress people. Also there is religious oppression. This type of oppressive people tries to convince people to stay with them even when people do not believe in their ideals. The poet shows this situation when he writes “I know why the caged bird beats his wing”.
Certainly, people can be affected when they are oppressed. But fortunately, there are people who decide to fight hard in order to show people need to be free. A lot of people contribute with all who need help during difficult situations even when people do not know they are helping them. This kind of people, find the way to show another people feeling. Paul Laurence Dunbar shows this situation when he writes “I know what the caged bird feels”.
Besides, many people are angry. They are suffering oppression. But some people decide not to wait until the end of their lives. They call their oppressor’s attention expressing anger. Paul Laurence Dunbar shows this situation when he writes “When he beats his bars and he would be free”
Finally, I can say that freedom and oppression are opposite. This can be one of the reasons why people are unhappy. Also there are people who think that freedom is not as important as the position they get in society. They prefer to have the higher position in the society instead of freedom. Even though they do not have the opportunity to be themselves. This make them feel frustrated. On the other hand, there are people who decide to manage their lives themselves without oppression. This make them feel satisfied. Paul Laurence Dunbar message is to live without freedom is not a real life. I agree with him because people have to fight hard to get freedom. They have to use whatever resource at hand to show they are not going to continue oppressed.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Essay on the poem "Sympathy" by Paul Laurance Dunbar
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Essay on the poem ´´Sympathy´´ written by Paul Laurence Dunbar.
By Jose Erasmo Nuñez.
The poem ´´Sympathy´´ written by Paul Laurence Dunbar is about Freedom vs. Oppression. It is essential to know that, the liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression is one of the most important states in people’s lives. Nowadays, it is not a secret that people feel comfortable when they are able to speak out and say what they want to say, but it is also very important to know that people are limited by restrictions, which reduces these freedoms.
In the world that we are living now, there are many types of oppression. There are political, religious, and social oppression. Political oppression takes place when the government tries to govern people in an unfair and cruel way, and prevent them from having opportunities and getting freedom. Something curious is that, nowadays, if people do not belong to a specific religion, they can not get a good job, and in some cases, there are institutions that do not allow them to be part of them if they do not belong to the religion to which they attend. Social oppression can also be devastating for society. It is what supports the mistreatment and exploitation of a group or category of people. In the poem ´´Sympathy´´ Paul Laurence Dunbar shows this when he writes ´´I know why the caged bird beats his wing´´.
Nowadays, we can perceive that most of the people around the world have revolutionary blood in their veins. Sometimes when we want to get something good for society, for sure, we have to make a big effort and fight for it. When people are mistreated and oppressed, they get angry and decide to protest in different ways. They usually protest in the streets in a peaceful way, but most of the time they turn violent. In other words, people try to get their freedom in any form. When poets see this kind of situation, they also get angry and write poems about the attitude that people acquire when they are oppressed. In the poem ´´Sympathy´´ the poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar, shows this when he writes ´´when he beats his bars and would be free´´.
In conclusion, it is incredible to know what people around the world do to get freedom. Oppression is something cruel. There will always be people who fight against it. The most important thing is that, with the help of the poets, to get freedom and to stop oppression is easier. The message that the author wants to show is that, no matter what life brings, you should fight to get your freedom. In my personal opinion, Paul Laurence Dunbar is right because the only thing that makes people feel strong and free is the desire to fight for the things that they want in life.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011